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What Are BYOD Devices for Video Conferencing?
When it comes to buying video conferencing devices, platform lock-in is a real concern for businesses today. You might want to switch platforms to get better features or save money. The platform you use today might go away tomorrow. You might need to change to better integrate with clients’ needs. There are many reasons to want to avoid platform lock-in. Put short, having …
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How Do Office Headsets Protect Your Hearing?
Headsets are incredibly useful communications devices. They let you take calls while keeping your hands free to type or write. They help you to hear calls better, and they have microphones to help you sound better. And they can also double as headphones for listening to music or podcasts as you work. It’s no wonder that office headsets are one of the most popular business …
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Video: Best of 2025 Microsoft Teams Video Conferencing Solutions
What are the best devices for Microsoft Teams video conferencing in 2025? Watch our latest YouTube video to find out. Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular video conferencing platforms in the world today. But how do you setup a professional video conferencing system for Microsoft Teams? When shopping for video conferencing equipment, it’s a good idea to consider the …
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