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Welcome to the IP Phone Warehouse blog! Find the latest VoIP, Video Conferencing, IP Camera and other IP product industry news and new product releases. We write detailed how-to’s and simple tips-and-tricks for deploying and troubleshooting your IP communications and IP surveillance equipment. Our experts make product recommendations and provide best practices to help ensure your business and technology products are running optimally.

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What Is a Router Phone for 3CX?
3CX is a software-based VoIP ecosystem that lets you operate your business’s communications. Because it’s such a good product, it’s rather trusted across the world. Over 350,000 installs ain’t too shabby. You can operate 3CX on-premise on your own servers or self-hosted in the cloud. 3CX also offers hosting themselves: they host, you manage. How do you k …
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Best Alternatives for On-Premise NEC Phone Systems
NEC recently made it known that they are ceasing sales for their on-premise phone systems and related devices, including UNIVERGE SV9100, SV9500, SL2100, 3C, and more. Here’s the basic situation as it stands in December 2024: by the end of this month, December 2024, all on-premise NEC PBXs and related devices will be EOL and will not be sold new. All technical support and …
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What Is a Hybrid VoIP Phone System?
In last week’s blog, we explained the difference between on-premise VoIP phone systems and cloud VoIP phone systems. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. But sometimes just a premise system or just a cloud system isn’t enough. Sound familiar? You should know about hybrid VoIP phone systems. When searching for hybrid VoIP solutions, you will find two types: …
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