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Using a VoIP Phone Handset vs a Headset
When should you use a VoIP phone handset vs a  VoIP phone headset? Should you always use your phone’s handset or always use a headset? Fundamentally, the answer is a matter of preference. But there are definite reasons why people choose one or the other. In this blog, we compare and contrast the advantages of using a handset vs using a headset with your Vo …
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VoIP phones for assisted living facilities
Assisted living facilities have specific technological demands because of their dual nature: part home, part hospital. When researching what are the best VoIP phones for assisted living residences, you need to balance these demands. In this blog, we guide you through looking for VoIP phones for elderly residents and VoIP phones for care-givers. At the end of the blog, we …
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What is a VoIP phone expansion module, sidecar, or attendant console? Are they the same thing?
What is a VoIP phone expansion module used for? Wait a second. One step backwards. What is a VoIP phone expansion module? First things first: names. When talking about phones, an expansion module is the same thing as a sidecar is the same thing as an attendant console. Three names for the same device: Expansion module Sidecar Attendant console For si …
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