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Welcome to the IP Phone Warehouse blog! Find the latest VoIP, Video Conferencing, IP Camera and other IP product industry news and new product releases. We write detailed how-to’s and simple tips-and-tricks for deploying and troubleshooting your IP communications and IP surveillance equipment. Our experts make product recommendations and provide best practices to help ensure your business and technology products are running optimally.

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Unboxing Video: Valcom VIP-120A IP Ceiling Speaker
Valcom is one of the most trusted brands in the world of paging and public address solutions. What makes them so trusted? Valcom VIP-120A IP Ceiling Speaker is a good example of why they’re so trusted. This round ceiling speaker is versatile, durable, in short: professional. Intended for indoor installation, the secure, one-way paging speaker features concurrent SIP and …
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Video: The Best Wi-Fi VoIP Desk Phones of 2023
Our team of experts has assembled what we think are the six best Wi-Fi VoIP desk phones of 2023. Check out our brand new video! What are the best Wi-Fi VoIP desk phones? Don’t have time to watch? Here’s the list in full (in alphabetical order): Grandstream GRP2602W Grandstream GRP2615 Poly Edge E350 Poly Edge E450 Yealink T54W Yealink T58W Pro I …
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Recommended Microsoft Teams Certified Conference Phones
Do you need a conference phone for Microsoft Teams? Microsoft Teams as a communications platform has become a business necessity for many, many companies. They’ve found that it enhances collaboration with workplace chat, simple integration with other Microsoft 365 applications — not to mention that Teams has become a full-fledged video conferencing and telephony soluti …
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